When you need a cure from the designer doldrums, we recommend a dose of Lanvin.Let your readers know they can enter with just one click!
Friday 7/10
Starting Price: $20.00
Save up to: 59%Founder Jamie Feingold first forayed into fashion as an undergrad at UCSB, making apparel for sorority events. He caught the fashion feverand decided to start his own brand with wife Dana to carve a new nichein womenswear. The result is California-based Tart, proud purveyor ofdresses, leggings, tees, and wraps for spunky, sassy women. Theirrecipe for success calls for soft, micro-modal jersey fabrics thatflatter every shape, and bright, festive colors that get you noticed.The result? Everyone comes back for seconds.
Starting Price: $129.00
Save up to: 60%Named after the Buddhist word for "supreme enlightenment," Bodhihandbags are infused with subtle Eastern spirituality. Each bag isinscribed with an empowering mantra, such as "those who bend in thewind are strongest," so every time you reach for your phone, wallet,or lipstick, you are reminded of what a strong, independent woman youare. When was the last time your bag gave you a pep talk?
Melissa Shoes
Starting Price: $44
Save up to: 44%
For nearly 30 years, Brazilian brand Melissa has beenproving that plastic is indeed fantastic with their edgy, innovativeshoe designs. Featuring everything from men’s loafers, to women’ssandals, high-heeled pumps, platforms, and flats, Melissa is heralded,above all, for supreme comfort. Every pair is manufactured out of apatented Meflexo material that is thermo-malleable, flexible, and softto the touch. This pioneering use of plastics has been championed inall the major American fashion publications, and Melissa products arecurrently exported to more than 80 countries. In the U.S., Melissaproducts can be found at high-end department stores and boutiques onboth coasts.